Saturday, September 27, 2008


This is my blog. I've never blogged before. I'm a little apprehensive about this, because my modus operandi for social interaction is to listen and look interested while other people talk. That way I can, with a few well placed comments, present the appearance of a very clever person. Now you know the truth. I'm only clever some of the time.
Don't blame me. You're the one reading my blog.
(Thanks for visiting, by the way.)


Josh said...

Congratulations on your blog, SD! If it's anything at all like those wonderful e-mails you sent during British Isles Quarter, I'm sure it will be tons of fun. I look forward to reading more!


sarahdunn said...

Yay! A comment!

Now I have two!


Kiran said...

Here, have another one.

Kiran said...

By the way, I haven't seen you at Thalia this year. Giving up? :(

sarahdunn said...

Well, I couldn't do my schooling (both teaching and the masters degree) and still drive down to Seattle every Thursday without going crazy.

I only have so many pennies.

I miss it, too.

Kiran said...

Sadness. I hear you about the pennies. If you want to come to the concert on Friday, Lavon will be sneaking in and I'm sure you could join her.