Thursday, June 27, 2013

Just a little post-it note from the big ole TX

You may have gathered that my life is pretty nomadic at present.  I have to stop and think before I can answer common salutory questions.  It didn't used to be this complicated.

New Acquaintance: So, where are you from?
Me: Um... Can you be a little more specific?
NA: What?
Me: I mean, do you want to know where I was born?  California.  My permanent address is in Washington, but I spent the last school year in Guinea.  And even though I'm in Texas now, I'll be staying in the Canary Islands next month before I sail down to the Republic of Congo (not the Democratic Republic of the Congo, but the littler Congo just above it).
NA: Oh.  Where's Guinea?
Me: West Africa.
NA: That's cool... *awkward silence resulting from the fact that my new acquaintance can't think of another question to ask that won't lead to another long and complicated answer*

I'm borrowing a friend's laptop to write this entry.  (My dad gave me his Nook which can also connect to the internet, but it's a touchscreen--and the font is like the size of the fine print on a sketchy pill commercial--so I can check things, but writing stuff is a bit of a challenge.)  It's strange, but living in a dorm with twelve other women has not been nearly as challenging as I thought it would.  It's actually been rather fun.  I wonder sometimes if I wouldn't have made a great nun.  Hmm... I guess the Good Lord has his reasons.

This weekend I get to go to the mall (!) and then I'm going to see a movie in the theater (!), two things I pined for when I lived on the ship.  I don't know why malls suddenly make me happy.  They used to depress me.  Maybe I just like the prospect of hearing the delightful hum of English and Spanish being spoken all around me.  I really missed hearing Spanish.

And speaking of languages, I'd better get back to studying French, which is what I'm supposed to be doing on this computer.  :)

I'll write more as soon as I can.  Plus I have a surprise coming that will thrill and delight you all!

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