I guess I would be stating the obvious to say I've been 'off the grid' for a while. I went from being Ms. Dunn, Africa Mercy Teacher Extraordinaire, to being plain old Sarah, traveling companion, cousin, daughter, granddaughter, cherished friend, sister, aunt, one of a million unremarkable faces milling around the West. It has been beautiful. All the parched little corners of my heart that thirsted so long for the people and places I call home have received a generous soaking. Like a cat in the sun, my tired brain has been snoozing luxuriously, while the world spins on without my help. I read
War and Peace.
I know that these summer days are numbered. Soon I will be boarding a plane headed back across the ocean. I'll have to let go of the people who have made me who I am so I can go and be that person. I don't want to, but I will. Because that's the way I honor all the love they've poured into me. That is what love means. It means filling each other with everything we can, so that they can't help growing into themselves.
So thanks, everyone. I love you, too.